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Massage & Pain Relief | Lanzarote

Natural Dynamic
Body Release

Natural Dynamic Body Release | Dennis W. Smith

Natural Dynamic Body Release

Defuse the Muscles
Activate the Skeleton &
Revitalise Your Body.

Natural Dynamic Body Release (N.D.B.R.) is a powerful massage technique that reverses the cycle of accumulation in your body by reopening the blood circulation and setting the nervous system free. 

As soon as the toxins start to be released from the muscle groups and the blood flow increases, your own body will kick in and speed up the process of revitalisation.

In each of the following sessions the pain factor reduces and the movement of the skeleton (body movement) starts to return. 

Dennis W. Smith | Creator of Natural Dynamic Body Release
Dennis W. Smith - Natuarl Dyanmic Body Release

Hi, I’m Dennis, I look forward to helping you unlock and bring back the full potential of your body.

United Kingdom
“Thank you so much Dennis you have improved our lives beyond anything we could have ever expected.”
Yoga Teacher – Australia
“In Sanskrit the word guru means the one that takes us from darkness to light. Using that description, you are definitely my guru Dennis.”
Shaun Dickson
Big Wave Rider – New Zealand
“If u get a chance to see him I highly recommend some treatment. He has helped me and many of my friends who all want to see him again. ”